Saturday, July 23, 2022

A24, Jordan Peele, And The Death of The Director

As it goes, I've become increasingly convinced Marvel movies have irreversibly fucked the film industry. For not only have they made bad movies, they've made bad trends - trends that have spread outside the superhero genre and encompassed much of the modern cinema experience.

The core of the issue is in the name - Marvel movies. The concept of the "Marvel Universe" brings with it a certain "Marvel Style", where movies are not just blandly made but expected to be bland. I can't think of a single director who I know solely for their work on Marvel movies. This is intentional - by eliminating the importance of the people behind the camera, it allows Marvel to more often turn to directors-for-hire and not worry about seeming cheap. It transfers the praise from person to production; it's no longer a movie made by great people but rather a movie made by a great company. (Not that these films are anywhere close to great.)

If this was just in Marvel, I wouldn't be too concerned - shit in, shit out. However, this trend has spread to other corners of the industry, most notably the juggernaut of "indie" films that is A24. This is a sampling of comments taken from a trailer for an upcoming movie released by A24. See if you can spot the uniting factor.


Yeah. I was hard-pressed to find a single comment mentioning the director, and almost all praise was sent straight to A24. I shouldn't have to say why this is ridiculous. A24 is a distributor above all else; they take films and get them into theaters. They work as a production company often, but saying "A24 never disappoints" is like saying a movie has the "Searchlight Seal Of Approval". It's fucking dumb.

I don't mean to speak too pessimistically, but I believe the age of the director has passed. There is one name remaining, and that is Jordan Peele. Jordan Peele rocks.

the future is now

 to any internet scavengers stumbling upon this in the distant future, this saga continues here . didn't want to leave anybody hanging