Monday, May 23, 2022

B'rumes (Blog Rumes (Ruminations))

 I know I made a whole big thing with my friends about how I'm "gonna start a blog" as a "bit", but I hope that not a single one of them actually thought I followed through on that. I think blogs are best read years in post. Reading a blog as it updates is about as exciting as watching paint dry, or watching a Subway sandwich get digested. Reading a blog in retrospect is like watching a Jim Jarmusch movie or something. This is going to be the Real, Uncensored Me. Monologuing (Mono-blogging?) not unlike the protagonist of a 2010s teen movie. Look forward to it.

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the future is now

 to any internet scavengers stumbling upon this in the distant future, this saga continues here . didn't want to leave anybody hanging