Friday, September 30, 2022

week of solitude

 fun week! fun week! that massive hurricane that completely devastated large sections of florida managed to avoid us entirely, but that was only after they cancelled all classes for the week. my roomie left for his home, so i spent an entire week having maybe one human conversation a day. i don't think i've said more than 50 words w/ my mouth today, truly admirable. i'm not sure whether it's cool or scary that i function so well in solitude, but either way i'm thriving. i hope that when classes start back up i can fall back into the rhythm pretty quick. tomorrow i'm gonna "host a movie night" - hopefully it won't suck

Thursday, September 29, 2022

all my poor hungry children

one of these days a good habit will stick. I'm currently in the middle of a sudden and welcomed break due to an indecisive hurricane, and 3 days straight of lazing about my room feels great. irl friendship is overrated! going to movies by yourself rocks! let the world be your friend and you will never be truly alone

Tuesday, September 20, 2022

oopsie daisy!

ohhh, twice! twice I write this through the stuporous haze of being stupidly blazed past midnight after a long day of not much. it's in between classes where this week really lags as I dodge work with the skill and efficiency of a ninja procrastinator. might go to a concert tomorrow but will probably just not have the energy. goodnight phone, I drift into tomorrow on sounds of billie 

Monday, September 19, 2022

so much for that idea

barely a day in, and already the daily blog has gone out the window. not a real accomplishment but I guess there's no such thing as a game over. i make the laws! i control the narrative! become the ruling body, bitches! mulligan!!! 

Sunday, September 18, 2022

Pin Predicament

- FROM THE ARCHIVES! this is from may 2022, back when I was still in high school. current pin situation is more or less the same except now i'm cooler. once a guy asked me what they all meant and i stumbled over a few sentences so that he would go away. -


I have a serious issue with regard to pins. I'm chock full of hubris. I always buy some cool pin from a website, or record store, or just laying there on the pavement, and naturally I stick it to the primary Pin Displaying Surface in my life, the little front pocket on my backpack. I have other PDS'es (cool army jacket, beanie) but I like displaying my shit frequently and so they inevitably get plunked down on my backpack, right next to the incredibly cool Suicidal Tendencies patch that I really need to sew on properly. From there, it's a ticking time bomb until the pin is lost to entropy and it disappears off my bag. From memory, I've lost:

- A button that says "SUPPORT PEACE OR I'LL KILL YOU" (vintage)
- A button supporting McGovern in 1972 (also vintage, found in grandparents dresser)
- A button supporting local record store Sweat Records (bought with my own cold hard cash)
- Countless others which I don't remember as clearly
I have an oversized badge of John Waters' head (far too big to fit on a jacket) that I've been saving from this fate for months. It's far too precious to lose, and it has those annoying little clasps on the back that always get pierced and end up poking you every time you need to grab a pencil. I guess there's some life lesson to be learned here - if you love a button, let it go? - but I just think I need to invest in some Krazy Glue or something.

a commitment?

 i'm back! and i'm gonna try to do this daily. a bit more of a diary thing. not long posts, not meaningful posts, but posts nonetheless. got inspired to do this after reading a bunch of old blog posts made by strangers 20 years ago. the landscape of the internet has changed so much since then, but i really connected with what i read - even if i didn't know their name. so, at the end of the day today, what happened? what happened worth writing about? well, if i'm being truthful, not much. woke up at noon-thirty, fucked around, did some writing, had a really sad dinner with a friend, and now i'm gonna play some video games and try to fall asleep before 3 am. see you on the other side.

the future is now

 to any internet scavengers stumbling upon this in the distant future, this saga continues here . didn't want to leave anybody hanging