Sunday, September 18, 2022

Pin Predicament

- FROM THE ARCHIVES! this is from may 2022, back when I was still in high school. current pin situation is more or less the same except now i'm cooler. once a guy asked me what they all meant and i stumbled over a few sentences so that he would go away. -


I have a serious issue with regard to pins. I'm chock full of hubris. I always buy some cool pin from a website, or record store, or just laying there on the pavement, and naturally I stick it to the primary Pin Displaying Surface in my life, the little front pocket on my backpack. I have other PDS'es (cool army jacket, beanie) but I like displaying my shit frequently and so they inevitably get plunked down on my backpack, right next to the incredibly cool Suicidal Tendencies patch that I really need to sew on properly. From there, it's a ticking time bomb until the pin is lost to entropy and it disappears off my bag. From memory, I've lost:

- A button that says "SUPPORT PEACE OR I'LL KILL YOU" (vintage)
- A button supporting McGovern in 1972 (also vintage, found in grandparents dresser)
- A button supporting local record store Sweat Records (bought with my own cold hard cash)
- Countless others which I don't remember as clearly
I have an oversized badge of John Waters' head (far too big to fit on a jacket) that I've been saving from this fate for months. It's far too precious to lose, and it has those annoying little clasps on the back that always get pierced and end up poking you every time you need to grab a pencil. I guess there's some life lesson to be learned here - if you love a button, let it go? - but I just think I need to invest in some Krazy Glue or something.

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the future is now

 to any internet scavengers stumbling upon this in the distant future, this saga continues here . didn't want to leave anybody hanging