Friday, May 27, 2022

Illness Gamble

I think my mom was one of the OG COVID Superspreaders. In February of 2020, she took a trip to New York, and ended up stuck at home with a mysterious illness that lasted about two weeks. Fun times. Now, in a shocking turn of events, I may have become a superspreader myself. My dad came home last night all "Bad news, guys! I got COVID! Oops!" I didn't think much of it - sucks to be him - until this morning. 
Today was my school's High School Senior Award Ceremony, and I had the honor of getting some dumb fucking ribbon that matters to nobody. So, I get up, get in my car, and halfway to school I start to feel it - a sore ass throat. I think it's just a general malady at first - I do smoke a lot of marihuana - but by the time I'm seated in the auditorium, I make a realization. I'm the guy in a zombie movie who gets bitten, says "I'm different!", and then turns out of the blue. I'm sitting in the auditorium right now, getting ready to accept my award. Will let you know how it goes. 

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the future is now

 to any internet scavengers stumbling upon this in the distant future, this saga continues here . didn't want to leave anybody hanging