Sunday, June 26, 2022

Give It a Day

It's 3:41 AM as I'm writing this. What is it about boredom in the day that makes night so much more appealing? My roommate got assigned; it's some guy from the panhandle named Ryan who wrestled in high school. The prejudiced part of me assumes he's prejudiced but that's just prejudice talking. I really need to get back on Adderall before I permanently fuck something up in my life. 

Wednesday, June 22, 2022

Cash, Jackash

 Money's a finicky thing. I recently graduated from high school (fucking shocker, never mentioned it before) and I have come into a large sum of graduation present cash.I am fighting tooth and nail to not spend it all on frivolous luxuries.

In the movie Freddy Got Fingered, a true classic if there ever was one, there's a scene where the protagonist Gord pays a construction worker for a job on his house. It's there that he laments his loss of a million dollars."Easy come, easy go." That's how I feel. Come in with 300 bucks, 200 on a record player, 50 on a record, 35 on a t-shirt. Easy come, easy go.

Saturday, June 18, 2022

Keeping Routine

 Blogging is hard as fuck. Oh great, now I have to "sum up" all my "life events"? Kill me. I might as well be keeping a diary. But I have the bookmark sitting in my bookmarks bar, taunting me, and so I might as well continue.

I left off on a bit of a cliffhanger re: orientation. Well guess what? I'm not following up on it. Fuck you. Instead, let me talk about biking. I haven't rode a bike in around 7 years. And, today, I got invited on a bike ride. So, in pursuit of healthiness, I went out and rode a bike. It was hell. I was out of breath, I had to pull over and lie down in the grass, and I generally looked and acted like a damn fool. Turns out, if you're "out of shape", getting "in shape" is hard as hell. But nevertheless, I persisted. I'm gonna be a ripped bro if it kills me. Or, at the very least, I'm going to get doctors to stop pestering me about being "slightly overweight".

College funds are about the most stressful thing on earth. As a Florida citizen going to a Florida school, there's a scholarship I get - Bright Futures - that should pay for 100% of tuition. Emphasis on should. I've basically been ignoring it since graduation, and I'm just hoping that I qualified for the upper tier. Even if I did, it's a generally stressful affair. I got an email saying something in the range of 12,000 dollars was charged to my FSU student account, and even if that's on Uncle Sam's wallet, it's still not a number I'm super comfortable account. It's times like these that I wish my parents moved to Canada instead of Miami.

Tuesday, June 7, 2022


I'm writing this post from 5:22 AM. Last night, I told myself I'd be asleep by midnight - after all, I have to leave for a flight at 6:30. Well, one thing led to another and I ended up pulling what's known as an "all nighter". It honestly wouldn't be so bad if I had shit to do, but it turns out the real downside of insomnia is the boredom. Maybe I'll sleep on the plane. 

Thursday, June 2, 2022

My Love, The Anabas

I have a sizable and well-loved record collection, and there's nothing I'd love more than to have a record player in college to play them on. Dorm life being as it is, I doubt I'd have enough space for a proper turn-table system, so I enter the realm of portable record players. With the vinyl market being as it is (novelties for people who shop at Urban Outfitter), most portable record players manufactured nowadays are cheaply sourced crud. Usually housed in a cheap wooden briefcase and selling for roundabout 40 dollars, these are - to put it gently - dogshit. Not only are they "retro-cool" ugly, with wood grains and pleather and whatnot, but the turntable mechanism is a 5 dollar assembly of ceramic cartridges that will undoubtedly kill any record you play on it. I'm ashamed to say this was my first record player, and the copy of DEVO's "New Traditionalists" that I lost to it will forever be mourned in my heart.

Instead of getting one of those, I've found a very polite little battery-operated player I'm hoping to import. Enter the Anabas GP-N3R. A Japanese import selling in the 200 dollar range on eBay, this is everything I'm looking for. It's got a playfully childlike yet durable plastic design, it comes with a solid AT needle, and most importantly - it's small as shit. This thing can even be played vertically, if one so desires. You can wall mount it. I may be salivating.

the future is now

 to any internet scavengers stumbling upon this in the distant future, this saga continues here . didn't want to leave anybody hanging