Saturday, June 18, 2022

Keeping Routine

 Blogging is hard as fuck. Oh great, now I have to "sum up" all my "life events"? Kill me. I might as well be keeping a diary. But I have the bookmark sitting in my bookmarks bar, taunting me, and so I might as well continue.

I left off on a bit of a cliffhanger re: orientation. Well guess what? I'm not following up on it. Fuck you. Instead, let me talk about biking. I haven't rode a bike in around 7 years. And, today, I got invited on a bike ride. So, in pursuit of healthiness, I went out and rode a bike. It was hell. I was out of breath, I had to pull over and lie down in the grass, and I generally looked and acted like a damn fool. Turns out, if you're "out of shape", getting "in shape" is hard as hell. But nevertheless, I persisted. I'm gonna be a ripped bro if it kills me. Or, at the very least, I'm going to get doctors to stop pestering me about being "slightly overweight".

College funds are about the most stressful thing on earth. As a Florida citizen going to a Florida school, there's a scholarship I get - Bright Futures - that should pay for 100% of tuition. Emphasis on should. I've basically been ignoring it since graduation, and I'm just hoping that I qualified for the upper tier. Even if I did, it's a generally stressful affair. I got an email saying something in the range of 12,000 dollars was charged to my FSU student account, and even if that's on Uncle Sam's wallet, it's still not a number I'm super comfortable account. It's times like these that I wish my parents moved to Canada instead of Miami.

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the future is now

 to any internet scavengers stumbling upon this in the distant future, this saga continues here . didn't want to leave anybody hanging